M.A.T.E.S is pleased to announce that it is an official partner of the FORaMEAL project, an initiative of the Rotary Club of Canterbury, Victoria.
This initiative helps provide emergency relief meals for those impacted by natural disasters. Each year over 150,000 meals are provided free of charge to vulnerable individuals and families across the Asia Pacific region in times of disaster.
This year, the Rotary Club of Canterbury decided to redirect part of our FORaMEAL efforts to help the most vulnerable in the Stage 4 COVID-19 restrictions in Melbourne. Our aim is simple – to provide 100,000 nutritious meals to Melbournians who are at risk of hunger.
Kevin Xiao, co-founder of M.A.T.E.S “We are pleased to partner with Rotary Canterbury for a time such as this. In the midst of a global pandemic, our compassion for those that are greatly in need is demanded more than ever before. We see this as a community responsibility.”
To find further information about the FORaMEAL initiative please go to www.forameal.org.
For all media enquiries please contact Kevin on kevin.xiao@matesforchange.org #forameal #matesforchange